Here are some interesting statistics of Namibia:
Population: 2.48 million (2016)
GDP: 10.27 billion USD, approx. 0.02% of world economy (2016)
2008 -> 2010 rapid growth in GDP, 13.3% growth rate
Now since 2014, GDP is declining, -0.82% growth rate
GDP per capita is $4,140.46 USD (point of reference, US's GDP per capita is appox $57,400)
8th largest GDP per capita in Africa (nominal), 102nd GDP per capita in world
27.4% unemployment rate (2012)
34.9% of population live on 1 USD per day, 55.8% live on 2 USD per day
Namibia is rich in natural resources, the mining industry brings in over half of the countries foreign earnings
Namibia is the fourth largest producer of uranium
-- Romain Screve
I wonder why unemployment is so high. Is unemployment defined in the ame way in Namibia as in the U.S.? Are there policy solutions that might lower its rate, perhaps by taking advantage of Namibia's natural resources or tourism industry? -Mini